One fall afternoon I was looking at my puppy, Axel, thinking how cute he is. His big brown eyes just warm my soul. Then my husband came in from the backyard. I knew that look and hoped beyond hope that Axel would live to see another one year and two weeks. Of course, it really is NOT appropriate for a puppy to rip the ground wires for the electricity to our home (nearly) off the side of the house. Something about lighting strikes and the house not been protected.
So, why would I think that trading FOREX (trading in the Foreign Exchange Markets) has anything to do with puppies- it is technical, with charts of currencies, ask and bid spreads, more charts, pips, global markets and more charts? Certainly, NOT warm and fuzzy... at any time.
But, I got to thinkin'. The day I started my trading career I was very warm and fuzzy about the whole "trader" idea. Saw an ad on TV and my husband said- Gee, honey, you'd be great at FOREX. You are great at seeing trends at your job. You do it every day and make changes in your workplace for the betterment of all according to the trends you see. I thought, by golly, you are right! I guess that is what I will do with my life- watch trends and get rich. Simple.
Ordered my FIRST trading education program, got it in the mail, hugged it. I am off to riches!
After a few weeks of study I came to understand that making a living at FOREX is not fuzzy, is not warm, it not prone to cuddling. It is quite like a new puppy- warm, fresh, sweet. Until you are sleeping with him on your chest enjoying the warmth and friendship and he wakes up for no reason and bites you with his sharp, uncontrollable, pointy puppy teeth. This is like the realization of the study of FOREX- it is the most awesome study in the world... but, be careful of the sharp teeth.
Would I trade in my FOREX or my puppy because of the sharp teeth. NEVER! My puppy will grow up and I have calmed the sharpness of FOREX with knowledge.
That's all for now- Axel's in the backyard. Gotta go check on the ground wire.
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