Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework.
from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn.
As a student of FOREX in 2008- I loaded my mind with all ideas good and bad. I experimented with daily systems, robot systems, long range systems, feed systems, short term systems, systems based only on fundamentals and systems based only on technicals, systems based on both.
I wondered quite often- what am I doing? Pick a lane and GO.
Through this journey I have found out- all ideas and training are good. I now have the knowledge to PICK what works for me- it has not been a waste of time.
So, this is my plan for 2009- I will focus on short term, intra day trades(5 minute to 1 hour charts) . On my wall I have a list of how many net trades/pips per day I need to make to cover my ordinary expenses. My main focus will be on refining this. While waiting for intra day trades to set up and managing the trades that do set up I will study longer term trade set ups which will fund my larger goals.
I found my lane and am ready to GO!
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